When you first buy a computer and sit down in front of it, you’ll probably love how fast and easy it is to use, with everything working perfectly and the operating system responding rapidly to your every demand. Unfortunately, the more you use your computer, and the more software you install and uninstall, the slower your computer will become, have you noticed this? It can be pretty serious in some cases, and some people just get annoyed at the computer, shouting at it in vain and carrying on regardless.
windows operating system

Doing anything to the registry which forms the basis of your operating system is incredibly dangerous, and unless you are absolutely 100% confident that you have the necessary expertise to sort out any problems that you might cause, it’s best to leave the tinkering and modification to someone else. One of the best ways to do this without actually hiring someone to come and look at your computer to detect the problem, is to download a piece of software called a Registry Cleaner, which will complete the whole process for you.